My poor sister Gina lived in an apartment 3 days, coughing 3 days and thinking:'' I must be alergic to something'' The owner had spread big scent tablets around the place. She was trying to buy something to take the smell out. Only to discover, behind the decor, a pile of black mold. She has not been lucky. Two years in a row she had to deal with stuff like this.
All that to say she stayed at our place Thursday night. We were going to a Flamenco show at the Vinea restaurant. It was as good as usual. Same trio.

That was the time my daughter decided to let us know that she is moving to Montreal!!! Only 6 hour drive from North Bay. Quite closer than Vancouver! I was in shock.
Jim and her went to as you know Ronda and then a climbing trek on the Wednesday to El torcal, Antequera

On the Friday they did the Caminito del Rey

The Caminito is a two hour walk on the side of a mountain. I have bad vertigo so I could not accompany them on that one.
Even she admits that it would be too much for me! We took her to the ''Speak easy'' jazz club. That one takes a bit of effort! The show starts after 11:30 at night. We usually go to bed early. The group was Ara Lee Oria trio. It was pretty good but we stayed only for the first set. I had a cold. Taking pills and drinking makes you very tired. Lol. She left in the middle of last night. I will miss her dearly. I only have 4 days left before I have to leave for Canada to renew my insurance. A pain in the butt, but my blood pressure was not settled in time to buy extra insurance to cover for 90 days trip. Well at least I come back for another 40ish days. Today is sheet washing and resting. I think I can do that lol.